#GuinnessWorldRecord: Our Team is Looking Forward to Reviewing the Evidence from Hilda Baci’s Epic Cooking Marathon

#GuinnessWorldRecord: Our Team is Looking Forward to Reviewing the Evidence from Hilda Baci’s Epic Cooking Marathon

— Guinness World Records to review evidence from Hilda Baci’s cooking marathon soon

— Hilda Baci completed her 100-hour cooking marathon on May 15th, adding an extra 4 hours to her 96-hour record

The Guinness World Records officials have announced that their records team is looking forward to reviewing all shreds of evidence from Hilda Baci‘s epic cooking marathon.

In a recent tweet by the global body that recognises groundbreaking talents around the world, it is confirmed that the events surrounding Hilda’s record-breaking 100 hours of cooking i.e. cookathon will soon be reviewed and decisions are expected to be made soon.

Taking to their official Twitter handle, they wrote:

Our records team is looking forward to reviewing the evidence from Hilda’s epic cooking marathon.

The Nigerian chef, Hilda started her 96 hours marathon cooking on Thursday and completed it on Monday 15th of May and added an extra 4 hours of cooking to complete her 100-hour record.

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